medium:"Photo etching"
Looking for medina, metius, media, medic?
%C2%A9 Keith A. Smith
Keith A. Smith
%C2%A9 Kenji Nakahashi
Kenji Nakahashi
Joseph Pennell
%C2%A9 Jim Dine %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Jim Dine; Publisher: Published by the artist & Editions Alecto, London , London
%C2%A9 1993 Lorna Simpson
Lorna Simpson; Printer: Deli Daniel Sacilotto; Publisher: Brooke Alexander Editions, New York
%C2%A9 Bernar Venet %2F Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Bernar Venet
%C2%A9 Artists Rights Society %28ARS%29%2C New York
Franz Kline; Author: Poem by Frank O'Hara, American; Publisher: Morris Gallery, New York; Printer: Anderson and Lamb
%C2%A9 David Shapiro
David Shapiro
Michael Kidner
Barbara Rossi
Pravoslav Sovák
Michelle Hoye
James Turrell
Angela Rowenhorst
Susan McDonald
Anita Gelman
Thomas Zipp; Printer: Thumbprint Editions, London; Publisher: Paragon Press, London
John Cage; Printer: Crown Point Press, San Francisco; Publisher: Crown Point Press, San Francisco
showing 55 results matching medium:"Photo etching"
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